Friday, October 5, 2012

High Five for Friday!

I'm linking up with Lauren for another High Five for Friday!
This week has really flown by and I am absolutely O.K. with that! It means I am that much closer to holding little miss in my arms (and out of my ribs)!

1: Being 34 weeks preggo!  That's 8.5 months and only a few more WEEKS (we are counting weeks now, not months!!)
2: FINALLY adding some new items to my shop, check it out here
3: Making pumpkin cookies, and having the silliest helper!
4: This may not count for this week, but Sunday is supposed to have a high temp. of 68! That's such a great sight after a week of mid 80's!
5: Finally getting my house (somewhat) organized and peanut's room finished!

1 comment:

  1. She is so stinkin cute!! Nice to meet ya chicky! Stop by my blog when you get a second and lets be friends? Maybe we could follow each other??


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