Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday/ 30 for 30 week 1

So when I started this blog I knew I wanted to incorporate some sort of fashion post every week.  I came across this awesome blog, Momma's Me Time, and she features a what I wore post.  So basically I'm stealing this idea and for the time being meshing it with my 30 for 30 posts!

Onto my 30 for 30 challenge!  As I mentioned in my original post here, I will more than likely break a few rules.  Well it turns out I have already done so!  I cannot fit into my cropped jeans and have had to go out and purchase maternity jeans. Also I am convinced that if I keep thinking and dressing like it's fall that cooler weather will arrive, so I have taken my shorts out of the mix as well and swapped them for these awesome burgundy pants!  Also, I had to swap my black tee for a longer white tee.  I'm pretty sure no one wants to see me walking around with my belly hanging out of my shirt!  Last change was swapping my black/brown wedges for my Sperrys.  I squeezed my foot into them for one outfit last week and sadly realized my poor swollen feet just aren't cut out for those shoes right now!
 I know that I have made a lot of changes, but in my defense, I made these changes before actually starting the challenge, so I'm technically not cheating!

So just to recap:

Now that I have cleared that up, here are this past weeks outfits:

1 comment:

  1. Aren't you happy one week is down? I sure am, it's been hard taking pictures everyday. Love your outfits this week!


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