Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer Wrap Up

Well it's that time again! Time to say goodbye to summer and hello to cool crisp air, football, and pumpkin everything!!
Here is a brief recap of our fun filled summer!
1-The last step for delicious cookies-silly faces, 2-Trips to the park, 3-Princess tea parties, 4- Hot dog dinners outside, 5-Sidewalk paint, 6-Ainsley's first haircut, 7-Trips to the pool, 8-Watching the fireworks in the park

9- Beating the heat with crafts, 10-Walks on the beach with the huzby, 11-Weekend beach trip to Topsail Island, 12- Week long beach trips to Topsail Island, 13-Her best friend/cousin, Jerri, finally arrives, 14- Rainy day trip to Chuck-E-Cheese, 15-Little baby head, 16-Jason Mraz concert with the huzby and sister-in-law/bestie, 17- Little sister's wedding day, 18-Ainsley's first day of preschool

It has been a great summer but I am looking forward to the fall!  I love the cooler weather (yay for boots and layers), and this year our new peanut will join us!  Here's to a happy fall!


  1. Awesome photo collages. Looks like you had a super fun filled summer! :)

  2. Love your summer wrap up. Looks like you had fun!
    Stopping by from GFC hop. Love for you to return the follow when you can. Hosting Like Me on Facebook now ;)


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