Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Weekend Recap

Yeah yeah, I know, it's Wednesday! A little late for a weekend recap, but this weekend was too good to go undocumented!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, our plans to see the fireworks were postponed until Friday.  Ainsley stayed with her Nana on Wednesday night, so Scott, Harper, and I started the fourth off with a lazy morning in bed.  It was amazing!
Later in the day, after some much needed work done around the house, we had Scott's mom and sister/my bestie, over for some steaks on the grill and a little (and I mean liiitle) swim in the pool (it was freezing).  Steaks, cold beer, cheesecake, and sparklers, I can't think of a better way to have spent the holiday!

So I have this crazy fear of sparklers so I make Ainsley shield her hand with a cup! I'm lame, I know!

Friday was the big day for fireworks.  We/Ainsley look forward to this day all year.  We always go with my in-laws down to the park on the lake where they have food stands (ahh the grilled corn), live music, and bouncy houses.  This year, Ainsley got to really enjoy the bouncy houses and she and Scott spent most of the daylight there.  I stayed with Harper and Scott's sisters and took too many pictures!

Harper's first selfie

My camera gets a little wonky as soon as the sun isn't blazing bright!

Harper did great with the fireworks as long as I held her.  She also stayed awake THE ENTIRE time and we didn't get home until 11!

Hope you had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love the cup with sparklers idea, and Harper's first selfie is adorable!

    Fashion and Happy Things


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