Thursday, April 25, 2013

5 Months, Oh My!

Sheesh!  I cannot believe I am writing your 5 month update!

What's new in Harper news:
You are still my chunky monkey! (and I love it!)
Your legs never, and I mean NEVER, stop moving!
With that said, YOU never stop moving!
You had a to take a visit to the good ole' Doc to get a vaccine and you didn't even flinch!
You still love the jumperoo
You want to crawl so badly but can't seem to get your legs and arms to work together
You are the happiest baby in town!
You hate, with a capital H, peas! (no hard feelings, so do I!)
You really liked avocado, you healthy girl you!
You are still trying to master the upright sit, but you much prefer your attempt at crawling.

   Here are a few of my favs from this photo shoot!:

Those eyes, they get me every time!


Oh how I wish this picture was clear!


  1. oh my gosh she is so so adorable! Look at that adorable smiling face!!!!

  2. what a cutie! i'm a new follower by way of Let's be friends blog hop. Have a nice weekend!


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