Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Munchkin Must Haves~4 & 5 Months

I have finally compiled a list of just a few of the items that we haven't been able to get by without these past two months!

1 / I'm sure if you have a little you have heard of Sophie the Giraffe.  I have been all to tempted to purchase this little guy, but the price (+shipping) has always kept my finger from clicking the purchase button.  On one of my many trips to Target, I came across this little cutie, Millie, as we call her.  I'm assuming she is Target's version of Sophie, as she is made from all natural rubber and resembles Sophie in just about every way (other than being a monkey of course!).  Millie was about half the price of Sophie so I couldn't put it in the shopping cart fast enough!  Harper immediately took to her and has been one of her favorite chew toys!  She is easy to grasp and lets out a little squeak when being gnawed on! Harper has been teething like mad lately and has shown Millie a lot of extra attention and she seems to be quite satisfied!

2 / With a teething baby comes a very runny nose (at least that has been my experience with both girls).  These boogie wipes are saline based and wipe away sticky boogies in one clean swipe.  This leaves baby's nose un-irritated and smelling like delicious grapes!  They are a must have in my diaper bag and I have an extra pack for my pocket book!

3 / As I mentioned in my diaper bag essentials post, I was quite leery of these tiny expensive blankets but caved and got them anyway!  They are wonderful, enough said!

4 / The Little Einstein Crib Aquarium has been a life save with both girls.  With Ainsley I had the older version but was sure to pick up the new non-recalled version.  Harper is SO squirmy and nearly impossible to rock to sleep.  This aquarium helps lull her to sleep even when her body doesn't think it's ready!

5 / I recently purchased this Peg Perego Pliko Switch Stroller and have LOOOVED every minute of it! The seat is forward and rear facing and has the ability to recline completely to become a bassinet!  It pushes like a dream and I love being able to see Harper while I'm pushing her (she seems to enjoy the view as well!).  The link I found is a bit pricey but I have found other sites with much more reasonable prices!

Linking up with Kristin


  1. I love posts like this! I'm 21 weeks pregnant and researching for my registry so this is helpful! New follower from the Baby Talk linkup! :)

  2. always have a pack of boogie wipes on me! never leave home with out them!!

    haven't seen go ga ga teether, but like you i have always like the sophie giraffe but never wanted to spend the $$...got to check this one out for #2!

  3. Oooh, I'm going to have to check out this crib aquarium! Sounds awesome! Thanks for linking up! :)


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