Friday, March 8, 2013

I Like You A Lot!

The amazing Erin came up with a great link up idea!  She is inviting one and all to share their current "blog crushes".  I couldn't be more excited to join in!  Without further adieu, here are some of my favorite blogs!

The Daybook:  There aren't enough words to describe how much I love Sydney and her wonderful blog.  She is beautiful, hilarious, has a great sense of style, I could go on and on but I might sound like a stalker!  Sydney, can we just go ahead and break the ice and become bff's for real like! This was the first blog I ever read and have continued to read everyday!  If you've never read her (climb out from under the rock) get over there as fast as you can, you won't regret it!

Little Baby Garvin:  This is a wonderful blog documenting the life of sweet little Harper Garvin.  She started documenting her pregnancy with beautiful chalkboard drawing (for real this girl is talented!).  She has a great sense of humor and style for both herself and Harper.  We both have a daughter named Harper and have a major love for decorating and holidays, I feel like we would be great friends if we ever met in real life.

Pinterest Told Me To: Sheaffer is absolutely hilarious!  She started her blog to recreate looks she finds on Pinterest.  She brings these looks to life and puts her own spin on them with entertaining captions.  Plus, if you are a bachelor lover like myself, she has a connection with the current bachelor Sean Lowe, and she give amazingly accurate and comical recaps every week!

There you have it, go check out these killer blogs! Also, just an FYI, I'm pretty sure these ladies have no clue who I am, so ladies, please don't be freaked out!
 I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested!

There are SO many more blogs that I could go on and on about but I have two little girls who are requiring my assistance at the moment!

Who is your current blog crush?
Link up here!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwww! Thanks for the shout out Angela! So sweet! It's people like you that are helping my blog grow! So, THANK YOU!
    Sheaffer :)


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